General Questions

Where can I view your full range?
Our website does not carry our full range. You can view our full range by visiting one of our local stores. Please click here to find the store closest to you.
Can you assemble my furniture?
Yes, we can provide an assembly service at an additional cost. Please refer to DELIVERY information for further details.
What do I do if my goods arrive damaged?
In the unlikely event that one of your items is damaged, please contact us at [email protected] within 7 days of delivery.
What Terms and Conditions apply to a purchase?
Our terms and conditions for purchases can be found here.  
Who can help me with a particular product query?
For expert advice and product information, head to our stores and talk with our friendly sales team. Additionally, you can email our Online Team on: [email protected]  
Does Gatsby Living offer interest free terms?
Yes, Gatsby Living offers interest free terms on purchases. To learn more about our latest interest free offers and our interest free partners please visit here.  
What happens if I haven’t received my order?
We make every effort to deliver your order according to the estimated delivery times provided. As necessary, contact the store where you placed your order for further information. Additionally, you can email Online Team on: [email protected]
Is there a delivery cost?
For in-store purchases that are delivered to your nominated address, there will be a delivery fee. The delivery fee is dependent on the store's delivery system, your order and delivery distance from the dispatch centre. Store staff will be able to advise you of the specific delivery fee and timings. For online purchases, delivery fees will vary depending on the distribution centre and the nominated delivery address.
Can I collect my order in-store?
Unfortunately, we do not offer click and collect services at our physical store locations. If you would like to pick up your online order, you will be able to do so at our warehouse located in Braybrook. Our warehouse will have the equipment and manpower available to assist you with the collection of your order. Our physical store locations do not have the ability to accept large furniture items for storage or collection. Our physical store locations also do not have the equipment or the manpower available to assist with loading heavy pieces of furniture into your vehicle. Please select the pick up option when checking out.
How long does it take to receive my order?
In many instances, Gatsby Living will be able to deliver your order within 2-4 weeks, allowing for stock availability. However, if stock is not available at the time of your purchase, delivery times will vary depending on the time needed to construct and import specific products. You may also receive multiple deliveries for your order. If you’re purchasing in-store, we can advise you of an estimated delivery time at the time of purchase. Our delivery estimates are based on business days and exclude public holidays. Delivery times may also change due to: • changes in supply • warehousing locations • public holidays • events beyond our control